Friday, July 31, 2009

How should christian respond to leaders who commit adultery

What do everyone think if a leader commits adultery, what do you think the church should respond.

-If the pastor admits his mistake should he continue to serve in a leadership capacity without proper restoration ?

- Does everyone think then in PN's case and what he said that He is divinely appointed is reasonable ?

- So how should we help the person involved ? His wife and the third party ?


Anonymous said...

Generally practice Matthew 18. The general public doesnt need to know about it... unless, the leader doesnt step down or repent.

Leaders who sin should not serve until properly restored. Historically though, if the sin is big enough, the person really can't regain respect ever again. Reputation is completely ruined.

Not sure how to help 3rd parties.

Ex-member said...

A leader is supposed to be selfless for his flock. If his/her life is affecting or threatening the spiritual state of the church and the flock, he/she should responsibly step down or take a sabbathical rest to be restored.

If the sin is exposed, he/she cannot and should not operate in the capacity of a leader for the best interest of the church.

So the principle her is what is best for the Church, not for self.

Anonymous said...

I suggest to read the book of "Why Good People Mess up" - teaching bout Why some christians commit adultery

Anonymous said...

you guys talk a lot about restoring. But you guys fail to define what restoring is? how long? what aspects are there to it.