Saturday, August 15, 2009

What is true restoration

When a person sins against the Lord, it usually takes time for a person to be restored properly. Depending on the type of sin, there is different level of restoration. We often say in Hope a sin is a sin, there is no big sin and small sin. But in actually fact, i do think there is, because the sin we commit will determine the outcome of our lifes.

How do i know ? Well, if all sins are the same then the bible won't mention that there is one sin that God will never forgive - Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Abraham lied out of fear of being killed because of His wife yet God did nothing, but when people worship the idols and created the golden calf, God dealt with them, When david committed adultery and murder, the son born to David out of his sin was struck down by God, also God cursed David and said that what he did in secret, his son - absalom will do in broad daylight.

So depending on the degree of our sin, it also will determine the type of restoration. I have seen leader get angry and said things they should not have said, but this did not warrant them to step down. But in the case of adultery, or financial misappropriation or even lying - often times these sins warrant the leaders to step down from point of authority and be properly counselled and in Hope terminology - Shepherded. They have to prove that they are capable again to handle places of authority and work from ground up.

In Dr.Dan and Mr PN's view, PN only ask for forgiveness from Dr .Dan . But never never, straight to the congregation. He has never publicly apologise but swept the issue under the carpet. Apparently Dr Dan, forgive him and ask him to continue being the leader, in Dr Dan's view once a person repents there is no need to face the consequence. What can i say, they are from the same flock, even dr. Dan separated from his Wife... mind you... in the Apostle of Hope book, he personally mentioned that it was God himself that confirmed her as his wife.... mmmm..apparently this man is suppose to be Godly and is still running the Hope of God Bangkok church with Mr. PN.

The truth is with a sin of such magnitude, Dr Dan should never be the spiritual advisor of Hope and should be asked to step down unless he himself is willing to come under Godly authority. Secondly, Mr PN should step down from his role as a Church leader.

He should
No. 1 - Spend time with his wife. Build up his family and restore the love. Submit his life under Godly authority. Not Dr. Dan ... he does not qualify to be a Godly person.. its like a drug addict who wanting to quit drugs and be counselled by a drug dealer. It never works. Find someone Godly.

There is enough counselling books for adultery issues to have me devle into what he should do.

The bible has mentioned in 1 Peter - that unless a man can prove he can take care of his family and be a Godd husband. Then he disqualifies himself to be a leader in the house of God.

Anyway... we will reap what we sow. If that is the way a leader like him behaves, then the people under him will do that too. And the worst part, how can PN have the authority to tell someone and speak into their lifes.

Can u imagine when he teaches Family church or teaching about humilty or integrity. Personally I find it hard to stand in front of the pulpit day in and day out preaching on something that I cannot keep.

Its like the pot calling the kettle black.

Well, the key to successfully finishing this race is never be afraid to humble oneself even if it means having to step down, to help stablise your christian life. Because there is a time for everything under the sun, a time to laugh, a time to cry... ( Ecc ), remember it is not about trying to prove you are a good speaker or being in authority. Seriously God does not care if you are a pastor of 10000 or just one person. Because it is the heart God looks at...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welly written... everything has its own time, let God deal with them then....

after all its All about GOD that we serve...
"Fulfilling the Great Commission
by raising Christ-centred disciples
to plant vibrant, biblical churches
in our city, country and all over the world"